'Polish residents in Belfast'


'Polish residents in Belfast: Issues of discrimination, safety and integration' outlines the findings of a piece of research carried out on behalf of BIP by Iwona Wardach through the support of the European Grundtvig programme, and recently uploaded to our website.

The main aim of this research was to look at the situation of the minority Polish community in Belfast, in order to examine the main issues emerging in the process of integration of a relatively new community into local society in Belfast.

The research focuses on three main issues, which were outlined after discussions and interviews with local community leaders and are most relevant in terms of community relations:

1. Community safety and issues of discrimination on the basis of ethnicity.

2. Levels of integration, as well as knowledge about Belfast and its history.

3. Freedom of expressing religious and cultural identity.

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Belfast City Council   Community Relations Council European Union Peace 3
Lloyds TSB Foundation NI   A project supported by PEACE III Programme
managed for the Special EU Programmes Body
by the Community Relations Council/Pobal Consortium